Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 4

Spent the first half of the day looking at more homes. Saw nothing to make me stop my search. The frustration is building. For example, you could hear the sounds of the 18 wheelers from the adjacent highway from the backyard. That home was only $499K!

Next drove 6 hours to Mountain Home, AK which is close to my next target: Bull Shoals Lake. Hope to start looking at homes on that lake tomorrow.

You know that you are not in Orange County anymore when there is a large box on the wall of the service station wall that dispenses "large studded condoms" and "horny goat weed pills" ( bought 2 of each!).

Saw some recently killed cattle on the drive up. Will send a photo from by Blackberry. You will not believe it!

I am beginning to believe that my dream lake home is just that......a dream. May have to just find a rental home on a lake and continue my search for as long as it takes. Sorry to sound so discouraged, but I am usually tired from a long drive when I post on this blog; and have had many hours to think about the unacceptable homes I have seen.

Off to bed. Tomorrow's another day.


  1. stay positive! its going to take time Pops...
    Love you and miss you!

    p.s. thanks for the dead cow picture, put dinner into perspective ;)

  2. Nice, it took you 4 blog posts in to make a sex joke. ;) you're awesome! You know why you're frustrated? Maybe you should just buy that awesome restaurant that you sent pics from -- that place was cool!
