Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 10

Drove from Lufkin, TX to Cedar Creek Lake. Megan, the Finleys, and I looked at houses there a year ago. I wanted to find out what houses would be available to rent should I choose to rent there. Saw 3: one old and rustic, one new but badly decorated, and one new, really nice one that was on the far end of the lake. Liked the last one, but am afraid that it is too far from DFW.

Then drove to Granbury Lake, which is where I always expected to end up. It is the lake that is closest to DFW ( 45 min to 1 hr.), and is only 30 min from Ft. Worth. It has a Lowes, Home Depot, and WalMart right in town, and everything looks new. Of all the "rural" towns it has the most going for it.

I hope to be able to look at the available rental homes tomorrow. If I find something nice I will probably agree to lease it for 6 months. Wish me luck. Love, Dad.

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