Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 13

Looked around Ft. Worth area a bit while waiting for Megan's plane to land. Lots of homes to buy and rent at reasonable prices, but none on the water with a dock. Am more convinced that I should rent something month to month, even if it's in the city, to give me time to look and find something ideal.  That takes the pressure off me to find something now.

Met Megan at the airport. We had a nice dinner at a local steak house, did some grocery shopping, and then to the Finley's house for some needed sleep.

Plan to investigate the month to month rental opportunities tomorrow. Love to all, Dad.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 11 and 12

Nothing positive to report. Still looking and not finding. I think that I have created an unrealistic expectation that creates too much pressure to find the "ideal" house and find it now. It is a process that will clearly take more time. I need to eliminate or reduce the pressure by giving myself more time. That may mean that I will need to rent something month to month in the city, and store my boat until I can determine where I want/need to be. If that takes 2-3 months of living in the be it.

Had a beer with John. He had some good advice and ideas. Helped to focus my thoughts and prioritize my goals.

Called Trent and got his ideas and advice about Ft. Worth, etc. Plan to get together with Trent and John while I'm here to pick their brains further.

Miss you guys terribly. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Dad.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 10

Drove from Lufkin, TX to Cedar Creek Lake. Megan, the Finleys, and I looked at houses there a year ago. I wanted to find out what houses would be available to rent should I choose to rent there. Saw 3: one old and rustic, one new but badly decorated, and one new, really nice one that was on the far end of the lake. Liked the last one, but am afraid that it is too far from DFW.

Then drove to Granbury Lake, which is where I always expected to end up. It is the lake that is closest to DFW ( 45 min to 1 hr.), and is only 30 min from Ft. Worth. It has a Lowes, Home Depot, and WalMart right in town, and everything looks new. Of all the "rural" towns it has the most going for it.

I hope to be able to look at the available rental homes tomorrow. If I find something nice I will probably agree to lease it for 6 months. Wish me luck. Love, Dad.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 9

Toledo Bend Lake... La. and TX sides completed today. Lots and homes are less expensive, but nearest airport ( Shreveport) is 2 hours away; and you can't get anywhere from Shreveport without flying to another more major airport. Plus the tickets are real expensive. Unfortunately, I have to eliminate Toledo Bend, because it is a GREAT bass fishing lake.

Drove to Lufkin, TX for a night's rest. Don't know exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow. I am close to Lake Fork and Cedar Creek Lake. May visit one or both tomorrow. I think, however, that I will ultimately eliminate Lake Fork because it is 2 hours from DFW ( without traffic), and is very isolated from civilization ( read a social life). Man does not live by bass alone. That narrows it down to Cedar Creek (11/2 hrs from DFW) and Granbury Lake (1hr. and 20 min. from DFW).

I think my next step is to find a rental lake house at Lake Granbury. I don't expect that there will be a lot of choices of waterfront homes with a dock, but I need to find out. If I can find oue, that is where I will tow my boat beginning on 7/1. Who wants to go on a long road trip?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Days 7 and 8

Was too tired to post yesterday, so will combine two days in one blog. Spent Friday looking at Beaver Lake area and a few homes. I have revised my search method. I now spend more time looking at/analyzing the lake and surrounding area and less time looking at homes. I figure that once I decide that I want to live on a certain lake I can move there and take my time looking for the "perfect" home or lot. I look at just enough homes in my price range to determine whether my type of home can be purchased in that area at my price range. Seems to make more sense and is less frustrating.

Spent this morning looking at the Table Rock Lake area. Only saw 3 homes. Have decided that Beaver and Table Rock are still in the running.

Drove to Texarkana, TX. (look it up), where I stopped for the night. Will drive the remaining 3 hours to Toledo Bend Lake which is south of Shreveport an straddles the La./TX border. May spend a couple of days there looking at the La. homes and then the TX. homes.

I am well ahead of my schedule. Will probably end up in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area with more than 10 days left before my 6/12 return flight. I'm thinking that I will ultimately decide to rent a lake home somewhere in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area so I'll have somewhere to go on 7/1. Then if I want to return to a lake I have visited on this trip, I can easily do it from my Dallas base camp.

That's all for now. I miss all of you; and wish you could be here helping me with my decision.

Love, Dad

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 6

Looked at some large waterfront lots today that would hold a big, custom log home. Unfortunately, the US Corp of Engineers owns the land from the waters edge up to the high water line. All that land can't be developed. Makes it difficult to create the perfect look/approach to the dock. For that reason alone, I think Bull Shoals Lake is in the reject pile.

Drove 2 hours to Eureka Springs near Table Rock Lake. Will look at some homes beginning tomorrow AM. Drove through a real thunderstorm. Almost had to pull over because couldn't see out the windshield.

Had a nice dinner at a recommended restaurant. Sat on the outside patio that overlooks the quaint, small main road through town. The food and wine was excellent, but my allergies are acting up for the first time in a long time. Had to buy some allergy medication.

Now off to bed at the Quality Inn. Room smells musty, and no flat screen TV. It's only been 6 days and it feels like it's been 2 weeks.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 5

"Same string, different yoyo". This describes my day at Bull Shoals Lake. Different homes, same result....frustration. But more homes to see tomorrow and even a couple of buildable lots. Then on the road for 2 hours to Table Rock Lake for a Memorial Day weekend search. Good thing that my realtor there is not planning a big family weekend.

Saw one home today that had some awesome outbuildings: stable, workshop, and RV garage. It also had a great view of the lake. I will try to post photos ( or simply let Megan do it). Alas, too expensive at $675,000. I really enjoyed meeting and talking with the owners.

Dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. To bed early tonight as the realtor is picking me up at 8am.