Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 2

Spent day 2 looking at homes and some lots. The lake is as advertised....large and beautiful. But the homes I liked were too expensive. The realtor promised to keep looking for me.

Had lunch at a Hardee's House. Most of the customers seemed to know each other and greeted each other as they came in from church. That would/could never happen in Cali.

 the view from the restaurant

Dinner at a lakefront restaurant next to my hotel. I ate and watched the boats on the lake. After dinner I walked on the pier in front of the restaurant and talked with/assisted some novice fishermen till dark.

Tried to order some wine with dinner. Was told that no alcohol was sold on Sunday. No question that I'm in the Bible Belt.

To bed early as I have to drive to Kentucky Lake tomorrow...about 5 hours away. I hope the homes are more affordable there.

 My hotel on the left. Dinner at the restaurant on the right. Two people fishing on the dock for both places.


  1. No alcohol on Sunday!? leave that place immediately! ;)
    I'm serious, the happiest part of my day is coming home and seeing that you blogged. loving this SO much.

  2. oh and also, i think that it's SO cool that you helped people fish.
