Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 13

Looked around Ft. Worth area a bit while waiting for Megan's plane to land. Lots of homes to buy and rent at reasonable prices, but none on the water with a dock. Am more convinced that I should rent something month to month, even if it's in the city, to give me time to look and find something ideal.  That takes the pressure off me to find something now.

Met Megan at the airport. We had a nice dinner at a local steak house, did some grocery shopping, and then to the Finley's house for some needed sleep.

Plan to investigate the month to month rental opportunities tomorrow. Love to all, Dad.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 11 and 12

Nothing positive to report. Still looking and not finding. I think that I have created an unrealistic expectation that creates too much pressure to find the "ideal" house and find it now. It is a process that will clearly take more time. I need to eliminate or reduce the pressure by giving myself more time. That may mean that I will need to rent something month to month in the city, and store my boat until I can determine where I want/need to be. If that takes 2-3 months of living in the be it.

Had a beer with John. He had some good advice and ideas. Helped to focus my thoughts and prioritize my goals.

Called Trent and got his ideas and advice about Ft. Worth, etc. Plan to get together with Trent and John while I'm here to pick their brains further.

Miss you guys terribly. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Dad.